Episode 1 - How to distinguish between rewarding and spoiling ourselves?

Here's some highlights from the discussion:

Self awareness is important in realising when you're actually spoiling yourself. It is important to constantly ask yourself whether the reward which you're currently experiencing matches the effort which you've put into the previous task. If you're taking an hour of social media break after studying for 30 minutes, it is obvious that this is spoiling as more time is wasted than being spent wisely.

If you're constantly stacking the same reward to motivate yourself to complete a same task, you're actually spoiling yourself. Extrinsic reward is never the ultimate motivation, intrinsic satisfaction is. Just like what Dale Carnegie said: "There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it." If you keep adding reward to motivate you to complete one task, it shows that you're actually spoiling yourself and you may need to change it to a different reward because our brain always prefer novelty. However ultimately, you'll need to make yourself want to do the task on itself.

Give yourself a reward that helps you to enjoy the task. Try rewarding yourself with a salad you like after your workout or buying a book you like after you finish a book, this way your reward actually makes you enjoy your task. Eventually you may genuinely like doing this task and start motivating yourself with intrinsic satisfaction.

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