Here's some highlights from this week's podcast:

Our recent choice paralysis in online shopping. Verene was shopping for a new flavour for instant coffee and Andrew was thinking of buying new pants. While they could just purchase it, they couldn't accept the risk of wasting it just because the instant coffee doesn't taste as expected or the pants just doesn't fit or look well on Andrew.

Two reasons behind our choice paralysis that we think of are financial and how much we care about using that thing. When items are expensive, we stop and search for cheaper alternative. When we care about something which we're buying, we try to affirm that our choice is correct through reviews or detailed information of them and their alternatives. It's these two reasons that kept us from just clicking the buy now button on whatever we're interested.

There are multiple ways to overcome the choice paralysis. An easy way to overcome the financial aspect is to be rich and not having to consider how much those items are worth in terms of money. However when it comes to making sure that the thing is really what we actually wants, there's just no simple answer to that. We both think that excess reviews have made us harder to decide based on them so one possible way is to ask within our social group to get reliable reviews from people that we trust. It's just hard to substitute online shopping with offline shopping where we get to touch and feel the item. The limitation of the physical world which in turn limit the choices at one place also makes choice paralysis harder to happen.

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