Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast:

In our podcast, we mainly used process oriented as current focused and goal oriented as future focused. We'll be using the same term below.

You feel lost after achieving your goal if you're overly goal oriented. Being goal oriented means you're always focusing on doing things which brings you closer to your goal. However, being goal oriented means you usually disregard small achievements along the way and you put high expectation on your final goal. Many people feel lost after achieving their goal because the goal isn't what they expected and they don't have a new direction after that accomplishment.

Break long term goal into mini goals, an alternative of process oriented. Even though Andrew doesn't agree with being goal oriented, there is an alternative which people can implement in place of being goal oriented. People should break their long term goals into multiple mini goals and these should help motivate you to achieve your final goal. Even if the final goal isn't what you've expected, you'll get the satisfaction from the multiple mini goals which you've completed.

It's better to live a life of purpose instead of living for one single purpose. This is why Andrew believes that only following a long term goal wouldn't work out. Instead of living for one single purpose in your whole life, you should be more process oriented and live a life of multiple purposes.  It's similar to the analogy of putting your eggs into multiple baskets instead of putting all of them in one. Mitigate a huge risk by distributing it.

Use your long term goal and a guidance but always focus on the process. Verene and Andrew agrees that long term goal isn't the way but going full on process oriented won't work too. It's always better to have a balance of both. In this case, we should use our long term goal to build a direction which we follow and be appreciative of the what we achieve in the process of heading to the final goal.

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