A new achievement this week as we've invited our first guest, Radzman onto our podcast to share about his feeling of growth.

Radzman's Instagram

Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast:

As we've shared multiple interesting growth experiences, we decided not to list them down individually here. You can listen to the podcast to learn more about them. We'll just talk about other aspect of growth below.

Everyone has a different definition of growth. As long as you're doing something new or in a better way, you are basically growing. However, you may not consider it as growth because we usually define a process to an achievement as growth when the achievement is something we value.

How does growth feels like? Most of the time it's just as unnoticeable as your mistake. We usually learn about it when others tell us. Why so? You'll need self awareness to notice your own flaws and your own improvements and humans are not very good a self awareness. Of course, when you realise that certain aspects of your life has changed for the better it may be that you've actually grew. If you noticed your friend has changed for the better, tell them about it, it acts as a word of encouragement to improve themselves further.

How to be aware of your own limitations and grow beyond it? Basically we need to work on self awareness and self reflection. There are a few ways which we shared in the podcast:

1) Learn to be alone. When you're alone, you can focus your thoughts on your challenges in life and what you would do to yourself to overcome them.

2) Write a journal. In your journal, write down the thoughts that bothers you and list down ways you can do to overcome them.

3) Rethink the previous problem. After you've encountered a problem, take some time to rest and think about how you would approach the same problem if you encounter it again. Of course, this may end up negatively if you focus on thinking it negatively therefore you should remind yourself to focus on the positive solutions.

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