Here's the highlights from the latest episode of our podcast:

The three types situation for starting a conversation is usually introduction by a friend, meeting new people at events or just when you feel like starting a conversation. In the first two situations, people are there with a mutual intention of knowing each others therefore it's easier to enter a conversation. However when it comes to the third, usually only one party is interested in starting the conversation therefore it makes it harder to get the conversation off the ground. That's what we aim to find out in this episode of the podcast.

Andrew's general way to start a conversation is by asking about a point of interest in the person he's talking to. It can be his shoes, phones, jacket or more. Basically just use that point of interest as the first talking point and new conversations can spark from there.

Finding interest in others would be the easiest way to initiate a conversation. Dale Carnegie said in his book How to make friends and influence people, it's always easier to be interested in others rather than making others interested in you. Ask questions to get to know more about others and you'll find that the conversation will start flowing. Of course, when others ask about you, do share about yourself. Always make it a two way conversation whenever possible.

No conversation starters are awkward as long as you continue it. Andrew and Verene concluded that there's no such thing as an awkward conversation starter. Anything should works for starting a conversation but when you don't put in an effort to continue it, the silence may drive both parties into awkwardness. That's something everyone should try to avoid. Therefore we should make an effort to keep our conversation alive.

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