Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast:

There are several types of complaints, some complain while confronting with the problem, others complain to a third party with hopes to resolve an issue and some just complain as a rant.

It's not always not encouraged to complain when you're confronting with the problem as you tend to be emotional when you're complaining. This may turn it into a heated argument. If you're confronting with the problem, try constructive feedback or if you really need to complain, do it to a third party.

Complain to a third party is fine as long as you intend to resolve an issue. The third party should always be someone that is more authoritative on this matter or someone that can actually  help you out with a solution. However, problem solving doesn't end with the complaint. You should execute the solution or offer help in executing it.

People sometimes complain as a rant. It is completely normal. Humans are emotional beings and it is human nature to vent their anger. Do note that when you're doing so, be clear with your intentions. We don't want to hurt anyone during the process. Also keep this to a minimum because it may cause annoyance to others when you constantly find them to rant on things.

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