Here's some highlights from this week's episode:

Trust is a multi tier membership. Andrew proposed the concept that trust is a 5 tier membership. People that we generally meet on the street tends to fall on level 0. At that level we generally don't trust them, unless trusting them doesn't require us to sacrifice anything. It's through interaction and experience that they can slowly climb up the ranks of our tiers of trust. On the contrary, even though the highest level is level 5, Andrew and Verene actually don't find anyone that falls on that category. I guess there's just no one that you can trust blindly.

We can't live without trust. While scam and fraud constantly promote distrust in us, we just can't live this world without any trust. Just imagine if we distrust the banks because of a financial fraud, we won't deposit any money into banks thus making the whole system collapse. Verene gave another simpler example, when we start a new group project, we just need to trust the other members. If we don't, there is just zero chance for the project to succeed.

Why do people like to trust their feelings. We like to explain decisions by saying that it came from our gut feeling. However, most of the time there's no such thing as gut feeling. Those decision are still based on some past experience which we are lazy to think about. If we do spend some time thinking, we can actually explain them. Many people just prefer to leave them unexplained so they can blame their gut instead of themselves.

Why do Andrew and Verene trusts each other? I'm not going to tell you here. You'll need to listen to the podcast to find out. Haha

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