Episode 19 - How to be smart lazy, not unproductive lazy?

Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast:

Inspiration of this topic comes from a conversation of sun flower seeds at a friend's place. Before we can chew on sun flower seeds, we'll need to break the shell before getting the seed on the inside. At least that's what people normally do. My friend prefers to chew the whole thing without breaking the shell. That made me realise that that's a smart lazy method which saves time without much consequences.

What is smart and unproductive lazy? When we do things, we can consider ourselves doing it using 100% of our effort. However, we are lazy so we tend to drop in performance after a while. There are two ways to tackle this, we can either find an innovative solution to make this process easier or just remain unproductive. Here's where smart and unproductive lazy comes in. Smart lazy is when you found a solution to improve on the process which you're too lazy to do and increase your performance to maybe 150%. When you don't find a solution to it, you're just being unproductive lazy because your performance drops.

Smart lazy and unproductive lazy varies by perspective. In the episode, Andrew talked about some dissatisfaction he has about Verene's performance when working on this podcast. As Andrew tends to explore more ways to make his work more efficient, he sees Verene's method as unproductive. In this case, Andrew which has a more superior smart lazy method sees Verene's best smart lazy method as unproductive not because it's unproductive but because it's unproductive in comparison. Therefore, this smart and unproductive lazy concept is relative. We shouldn't just judge other people's method as simply unproductive because it may be the best they can come up with.

Being smart lazy ultimately allows more unproductive laziness. When you're being smart lazy, you can do things a lot more efficiently and thus saves more time. However, this may result in a burn out after an extended period of time and you're ultimately saving up more time for you to enjoy in the future. Therefore, after being smart lazy, do remember to rest or be unproductive because there's no point being smart lazy all the time.

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