Episode 21 - When to deep think but not overthink?

Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast:

Deep Thinker and Shallow Thinker are two opposite personality types found in all of us. As researched by Verene, a shallow thinker spends less time thinking on solutions and usually settle with the first solution that come into mind. A deep thinker on the other hand spends time thinking an analysing through multiple solutions and chooses the best.

Why is it important to deep think? Whenever we think of solutions, we are combining multiple existing experience to create a permutation of idea which we've never encountered before. It's very hard for us to think of something that's genuinely new or unique because most ideas comes from our past experiences. Deep thinking allows us to create more permutations of ideas and therefore creating more experiences for more ideas in the future.

Deep think on worthy topics and on the right situations. Deep thinking is good but we don't just deep think everywhere, every time. When we are short of time, it's more important for us to complete our task in hand before sitting down to deep think. It's also worth noting that not all topics are worth deep thinking. Sometimes, it's ok to follow the existing solution when it's good enough. Save your brain power for next time. Also, remember don't deep think when it's not the right situation. Imagine someone throwing out a joke and you decide to start a 3 hour discussion on Darwin's theory of evolution, it's just not right isn't it.

Be self-aware to prevent falling into overthinking during deep thinking. When we deep think too much and relate it to our personal life, we tend to begin to overthink. Andrew does that from time to time. When he tries to figure out on improving his personal relationship with others, he may divert into the wrong channel and end up overthinking how others would think and ends up blaming others. At this moment, it's important to be self-aware and stop yourself from falling too deep. Andrew will stop his train of thought, tells himself that he's now on the wrong track and reverse back to the right deep thoughts.

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