Here's the highlights of this episode:

Transparency on personal life in workplace is actually important. Many people thinks that we should keep our personal life to a minimum in the workplace as work related transparency is already sufficient. That is an incorrect misconception. One example on why transparency on personal life can help in the workplace is by sharing your salary. When people share how much they earn within their colleague, it actually forces the company to be more transparent on their wages practices.

Transparency in relationship gradually increases as the relationship grows. When a couple first got into a relationship, they may start with a 50% transparency, after marriage 70%, after gold anniversary 90%. The transparency increases because the relationship itself has proven that it's stronger than ever therefore there's less point in hiding any truth. However, depending on your partner, some things are still best kept hidden from them. As Verene has said, she prefers any cheating history within the relationship to be remain a secret if it happened.

Transparency within family starts with a 100% because we trust our parents when we are born. It's only as we grew older, we realise that they may not agree with some of our truths or we dislike their responses to our truth. That's why it decreases over time. However, it's best to be transparent within a family because a family should never do any harm to their members. Being honest to each other do more benefits than harm.

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