Episode 26 - Barking up the wrong tree

Here's some highlights from this week's podcast:

The inspiration of this podcast came when I saw my house dog, Lorenzo barking up the tree which he saw a squirrel climbed on to. What he didn't realise was that the squirrel has already escaped from the tree. This made me wonder what's our experience falling onto a misguided path and how do we prevent that.

Malaysia's education system is making students barking up the wrong tree. Instead of letting students understanding what they want to be when they grow up, most teachers just ask the students to excel at everything so that they can choose to do anything in the end. It sounds great on the surface but many students (even those who got the best results in their school) just end up being lost after getting their final exam result. This happens because they didn't teach the students to have their own direction which they want to follow. Also, it'll be better to let the student understand his direction early on in life and focus on the core subject which will bring him closer to his dream. Now the student won't be wasting too much time on unnecessary subjects and he'll be working extra hard to get closer to his dream.

How do we prevent ourselves from barking up the wrong tree? We will fall on to misguided paths from time to time, the main question isn't how to not fall on to a misguided path but how to get out from it as early as possible. It's simple, have self awareness. As long as you're aware of what's happening, you'll be able to judge whether it's right or wrong and whether you should switch your path.

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