Here's the highlights of this episode:

Children nowadays can see women in diverse roles through movies. Movies in the recent years has brought women into different roles and genre which builds a diverse perspective of women in children. Compared to watching women films focused on love story from the previous decades, children nowadays are more likely to expose themselves to career fantasies.

Love life and career life conflicts each other. Verene talked about women may build a career life first and subsequently build a love life. Andrew disagreed on her point as he believes that both men and women values success equally and craves for more. Therefore, women may continue to strive for more success in the workplace to keep their career momentum going and postpone their love life.

Are men too comfortable with being dominant for so long? Verene thinks that men are too comfortable being the dominant gender for past few centuries that they disallow other gender to take their place. Andrew disagrees and believes that only men with older mindset will allow this. Current or future generations of men or women are more inclusive because of the culture they grew up in and the knowledge they were fed. Therefore they shouldn't see themselves highly than other gender.

Will househusband become a norm? While women's dominance is growing, it is likely that the role of househusband won't take over men around the world but they may increase to the stage where they're equal numbered to housewives.

Women sees men's achievement as a threat but men doesn't? According to a research done by Verene, women will feel threatened by men when both of them have the same qualification but the same does not apply for men. Andrew personally does not agree with this because he does comparison purely based on the qualification without gender bias. However, it's most likely that Verene's research is right with Andrew being the outlier.

Learn more: Verene's Research

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