Here's the highlights of this week's podcast:

Certain leisure multitasking actually works. When we shared our recent experiences of leisure multitasking, we realise that some combinations of multitasking actually works. It comes down to how much effort does both task needs. For example: "Andrew was able to multitask on audio editing and playing games because noticing weird audio patterns doesn't require much brain processing therefore most of the brain capacity can be reserved for gaming." However, if you try to multitask on scrolling social media and watching TV, you may find it impossible as both tasks require a lot of brain capacity.

Media multitasking actually brings benefits. Verene found an article which states that media multitasking, which is multitasking on multiple media devices actually improves your skills at integrating auditory and visual information. However, we both agree that the advantages from this subset of multitasking doesn't outweigh all the disadvantages.

Learn more: Media Multitasking

Should we multitask on leisure to save time? Studies have shown that multitasking is bad but when it comes to unimportant tasks during leisure time, we still mutually agreed that we shouldn't multitask. The reason being multitasking may turn into a habit when we perform it over the long run even though it's on unimportant tasks. Therefore, to prevent the formation of a habit, it's better to not start it at all.

Insight: We should slow down and enjoy the process, not just the final result.

“Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel across the country from coast to coast without seeing anything.”
- Charles Kuralt

Just like the quote above, people nowadays seek to be fast and efficient at everything that we missed out of the simple beauty that exists all around us. We shouldn't multitask on leisure to save time because we don't spend our leisure for the sake of spending it, we actually spend leisure to relax or enjoy the activity which we do. Don't always think about saving time, sometimes think about saving yourself from this world that's going too fast.

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