Here's the highlights from this episode of the podcast:

We're not too particular on our lunches. Both of us are pretty open to any choices for lunch everyday. We don't have specific criteria and when we do we'll just settle for our default options, chicken rice or fried rice for Andrew and fried rice for Verene. Nothing can ever go wrong with these and they can be made better with a fresh sunny-side up.

How our our friend groups decide on lunches? Verene's group of friends usually settle on a cuisine first and filter out their unwanted choices from there. Andrew's on the other hand prefers good food at low prices which makes the decision process tough. However, lunch decision shouldn't be the main point within friend gatherings as the objective should be restoring and maintaining the friendship through conversations.

Efficient way to decide on lunch. After half an hour of discussion, we can only think of 2 possible ways that everyone can implement to make efficient lunch decisions.

1) Use a lunch randomizer app. (I wonder why don't food delivery apps come with a "I'm feeling lucky option")

2) Just go with whatever you feel like eating the most disregarding all your other criteria.

The ultimate way for everyone to make easy lunch decisions is to be gratitude with what you have. Sometimes it feels hard to make lunch decisions because we have too much criteria or wants in our life. We should understand our own position in life, financial and health wise and just be grateful that we have lunch everyday. Ultimately, lunch is just food that fills our stomach with a hint of great taste to satisfy our mind.

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