Episode 12 - To live a good life: focusing on now or future? Aug 7, 2021 Podcast Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast: In our podcast, we mainly used process oriented as current focused and goal oriented
Episode 11 - Overcoming choice paralysis in online shopping. Jul 31, 2021 Podcast Here's some highlights from this week's podcast: Our recent choice paralysis in online shopping. Verene was shopping for a new flavour
Episode 10 -What makes a contentful birthday? Jul 24, 2021 Podcast Here are the highlights of this episode: Not everyone enjoys a typical birthday celebration. A typical birthday celebration usually consists of a party, birthday cake,
Episode 9 - The fine line between skepticism and cynicism. Jul 17, 2021 Podcast Here's the highlights from this week's podcast: We're born with trust, skepticism joins when we experience conflicts of truth.
Episode 8 - Interviewing Verene: Learning the traits of a good listener Jul 10, 2021 Podcast Here's the highlights of this episode: How does Verene resolves conflicts as a good listener? Verene has been a mediator for various conflicts