S2 Episode 14 - Define Family

Family. It is a very simple word that we've learnt since young. However, as we grew up, do you have a different definition now?

Biologically, we define family as people who share the same bloodline as us. However, as we slowly grew up, we realised that we aren't always close with the people who we called "family". In some situations, we're often closer with our close friends than "family". We also heard people saying, "Hey, they are my family!" when referring to close and important friends. This makes us wonder, how should we define family?

Although we might not be close with some of those "family" when they are far relatives, we are expected by the people around us to be polite, respectful and carry out duties towards these people. These are often social and cultural pressure. We don't feel like doing so but we're forced by the cultural pressure and in the end, we ended up feeling obliged that we have to do something. But, oftentimes we're not willing to do so.

If we look at this from the perspective of interest exchange, most of the time we have higher interest exchange with friends instead of family. This confused things up as we couldn't be sure if we do certain things for our family based on our willingness or if we're just conforming to the social pressure.

For the full episode, check out the podcast linked above.  

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