Education is undoubtedly one of the most important things. And when it comes to education, the Asian and the Western parents have different thoughts on how should they provide it to their children.

The Asian parents mainly think that they have the responsibility to provide their children with education without them worrying about other issues. However, some of the Western parents are asking their children to fund their own studies instead.

The most important reason that cause this difference is that the Western and the Asian has different cultures and mindset. The Asian culture is afraid that if the children starts university later than the peers, they might not be able to compete with the peers in the future. However, sometimes they might have forgotten that university doesn't do magic to anyone. If the children don't work hard and try to build some other important skills needed and also to build connections.

So, how about letting the children pay for their own education so that they don't just follow whatever the parents instructed them to do. Instead, they will only start their university studies when they know what they really want to do. As they are the one that are paying for their own education, the tendency of them not working hard during the course might be lesser as they won't take it for granted.

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