This podcast episode is the beginning of weirdly long episodes and our beginning to split episodes to keep each podcast between 30 - 45 minutes. Within this episode itself, we discussed both of our vacations. It just happens that the week before is a long weekend holiday in Malaysia and the UK.

Verene spent more than half of the episode chatting about her trip up Genting, a highland retreat and theme park in Malaysia. It was an amazing trip for her especially because its a trip with her best high school friends. Of course, her trips with her best friends can never happen without overnight chats with drinks till dawn.

Andrew's trip on the other hand is a 3-day 2-night trip to Cambridge and Brighton. Even though he's spent more than half a year in the UK, he honestly did not spend much time traveling around the UK. This is actually his second actual trip and not even the 10th location he's traveled to in the UK. His vacation sharing has just gone so long that parts of it were cut into the second part. This part contains his trip when he's in Cambridge.

For the full details about what's exciting about their trip, check out the full podcast episode above and in the next episode, Andrew will continue sharing about the rest of his trip and get into the main topic for the podcast.

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