What is meaning? Or should I ask, what defines a meaningful life? Many people set their definitions based off meaning from others but just like how we shouldn't define success the way others do, we shouldn't do the same for our own meaning. In this episode, Andrew and Verene discussed about what is meaningful to them and thus contributing to a meaningful life for them.

For Andrew, he believes that what brings meaning is basically what currently brings value to him and Verene finds meaning when she gets to serve. However, they also figured that if they only can do what they find meaningful at this moment in time for the rest of their lives, this would make their life no longer meaningful. Therefore, Andrew concludes that living a meaningful life isn't a finite game. It's an infinite game where we go on forever to search for the meaning. We will never find the ultimate meaning, its usually the journey that is the actual meaning.

There might be times where we find our lives meaningless but usually, those are just moments where we feel that our meaning are a bit more distant than it used to be. Its always important to remember how far you've come and how much you've done. Perhaps take a rest and seek for help. Things might not go the way we like but there is always a way.

For more details about what we shared about our meaningful life, do check out the full podcast above.

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