S2 Episode 10 - Live the way we like or like the way we live?

For a second, when you read the title, it might sound a bit confusing to you. But please take some time to think about it. You might realize actually it's not easy to come to a decision.

Who doesn't want to live the way they like? I believe most of the people would not deny. However, life isn't always following what we want. There are a lot of challenges for us to face and sometimes reality hits us hard and we have to admit to ourselves that, we just couldn't live the way we like during that period of time yet. It doesn't mean you can't achieve that one day, just that currently you still can't.

If we put it this way, living the way we like means we're always finding our way to our comfort zone and liking the way we live means we're always constantly exploring until one day that we're able to live the way we like. Would you change your answer towards the question of which way would you prefer?

However, no matter which approach we prefers, there might be people who eventually settled in when they reach one point in their life no matter which approach they're always using. Oppositely, there might be people who just couldn't settle in and they have to constantly find ways to improve themselves and achieve more.

There is no wrong living whichever way you like. The life is yours and so only you know what really matters to you.

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