Time flies. We're both in our 20s already.

Looking back, we feel like time passed so fast, that it makes us wonder what have we been doing over the past 20 years, and what should we be looking forward for the future.

However, we often forget that we've actually achieved something great at this point. Achievements could be something great or something small, it doesn't matter. As long as we've achieved something, we should appreciate it. Pat on our shoulders, telling ourselves that, we've done a great job.

As we're in our 20s, sometimes we 'mistakenly' feel that we're old. However, realistically we are still very young. At this young age when we're able to try things out and do something that we want or something people think it as 'crazy', we shouldn't stop ourselves from experiencing things around us. Try things out. Because if not now, then when?

The unknown part of life is what makes life exciting and worth looking forward to. Let's hope for the best and do our best in our beautiful 20s.

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