S2 Episode 2 - Education through fear or acceptance?

Here are some highlights of this episode of podcast:

There are two common ways to educate the younger generation. Most of the time we were educated through fear, at least from what Andrew and Verene has experienced and seen. Perhaps it has something to do with our culture.

Another way of education is to make sure the youngster is aware of the importance of something being taught. When they understand it, it is easier for them to accept it too. This could be found in how those successful people educate their children. Instead of instilling fear in the children, we taught them to accept that we can't prevent certain things from happening and so we have to accept it and now you'll need to find ways to overcome it.

However, Andrew and Verene do agree that although they very much prefer educating their children to be taught through acceptance in the future, they can't deny that, there might be chances that they accidentally starting to teach their children by instilling fear.  

Another insight from the discussion is that the educators should have changed the way of teaching. Perhaps being more open-minded and exploring more effective ways in teaching instead of solely depending on what the book is telling.  

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