Highlights of this week's podcast:

Under all circumstances, almost all of us would be thinking we should be working seriously and living our life casually. Let's imagine, if the idea is turned around, how would it be? And should we do that?

We should live our life seriously because our life is all about ourselves. Most of the time people might think that you should just enjoy your life casually. However, if we don't spend our time on self development and self improvement, we will just stay at the same point for the rest of our life. It is worth doubting that if that's what we really want?

On the other hand, while we are working, we should do our best but not to the extent that it will take up too much of our personal time. There is no wrong on spending our personal time on work. However, if we don't have the time for self development and do something we ourselves really want, we wouldn't be able to move forward in our life.

In short, there is actually no right or wrong in living in certain way. There is just better way for us to live our life. Andrew and Verene think that living our life seriously and taking our work casually is a better way for us to live. What do you think?

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