Some people might think a lot before spending while some might be more impulsive when spending money. As we slowly grow up, we  have different thoughts on spending money.

Saving money has been a good habit that the adults taught us when we were young. However, sometimes the experience are more important than saving. When we just want to save money but missed some opportunities that are valuable,

Sometimes, it also depends on whether the things that you buy worth the price or not. If you think it's worth it, then yes, go ahead. Everyone might have different thoughts on this but only you know if it's worth it for you or not.

Sometimes when we experienced certain bad things or experiences, some of us might dwell a lot on it. It's worth thinking thinking and questioning ourselves that what's the point of doing so since you can't turn back time and change anything anymore. Take it as an experience and learn from it when you think you spent your money on something that is unworthy.

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