S2 Episode 6 - Is this sharing or bragging?

We all have something that we're good at. Sometimes when we decided to talk about it, there's a fine line between sharing and bragging.

It is important for us to know what's our intention behind what we say. If we're not seeking for attention, perhaps we are just simply sharing. And most of the time we overthink what others think about us too.

There are times where our main intention is to share the happiness of our achievements with someone, things we've gone through and we thought it might be beneficial for the others and things that we generally think are good. We're just sharing in such cases. However, have you ever experienced where there's times that you did not receive responses that you expect, which further push you towards bragging about it. We need self-awareness to understand what we ourselves are doing too.

Self-awareness can also avoid you from going into the state of bragging while your initial intention is just to share. When we're self-aware, we are better at identify what's our own intention behind things and what we want. With that, you can choose to share or to brag at your own choice.

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