S2 Episode 8 - Do you enjoy being alone?

Highlights of this week's podcast:

In our society, it seems like being alone will be judged as weird or antisocial. However, we often messed up the true meaning behind being alone and being lonely. Being alone doesn't necessary mean one is antisocial. And being alone doesn't mean one will always feel lonely.

Both Andrew and Verene actually enjoy having some time to be alone. It gives them the time and space to be spent for themselves. They don't need to think of the others too much during that period of time but to focus solely on what they want to do themselves.

Nonetheless, although the idea of spending time alone is becoming more and more common, it doesn't mean that we don't need to socialize with others. As we live in the community, it is almost impossible for us to always just be on our own in this collectivistic culture. On the other hand, no man is an island. It is unavoidable that sometimes we do need each other's help in doing something.

Despite enjoy being alone, Andrew and Verene do think that we still have to be able to socialize with others.

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