It's been almost 9 months that we've been working consistently on Inc Thoughts' podcast. We started with thinking that it might be fun for both of us to discuss some incongruous thoughts that we have. And we believe this might be a fruitful discussion that might bring insights to not only us, but also the audience. Fun fact: we used to discuss about random incongruous thoughts in our daily life before we decided to start doing podcast.

Throughout the past 9 months, it was actually a very fun thing for both of us to do weekly. And since we've been working on it for quite some time, perhaps it's the time for us to think about what should we focus on for this.

It is important to keep things fun in order for people to work on it continuously. If we always think about monetization, doing things that could please the audiences etc, soon we might lose our passion in it too. Although we're able to produce 1 episode per week, and perhaps we can start thinking to grow it, it is important to consider how much effort and time can both us invest in this as we have other heavy commitments to handle as well.

If we're able to keep things fun and we have sufficient time and effort in growing it, well, why not? But at the moment, maybe it's still not the right time, we believe.\

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