Episode 21 - When to deep think but not overthink? Oct 9, 2021 Podcast Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast: Deep Thinker and Shallow Thinker are two opposite personality types found in all of
Episode 20 - Would you allow your child calling you by your name? Oct 2, 2021 Podcast Here's the highlights of this episode of the podcast: Family titles builds a restrictive hierarchical mindset. At least in the Asian culture, we
Episode 19 - How to be smart lazy, not unproductive lazy? Sep 25, 2021 Podcast Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast: Inspiration of this topic comes from a conversation of sun flower seeds at a
Episode 18 - Our relationship with trust Sep 18, 2021 Podcast Here's some highlights from this week's episode: Trust is a multi tier membership. Andrew proposed the concept that trust is a
Episode 17 - Discovering the true intentions behind complaints Sep 11, 2021 Podcast Here's some highlights from this episode of the podcast: There are several types of complaints, some complain while confronting with the problem, others